The Practice of Guru-Protector Dorje Dradul Second Edition

Composed by the Makkyi Rabjam Jampal Trinley Dradul, Sakyong Mipham
Rinpoche, during the 1997 Magyal Pomra Encampment at the Kasung land
of Dorje Denma Ling, this was the first sadhana written especially for the
Dorje Kasung.
The second edition includes a color print of the Dorje Dradul thangka, an
introduction by the Dragon Dapon Noel McLellan, updated practice instructions
from the Makkyi Rabjam Jampal Dorje Dradul, as well as supporting teachings
and information from the Makkyi Rabjam Dorje Dradul and Robin Kornman.
As Dapon McLellan says in the introduction, “All of these elements are included
to help deepen our relationship with the practice. They may be studied and
discussed in connection with practice intensives devoted to the
Dorje Dradul Sadhana.”
Dorje Kasung Publications
63 pages
8″ x 8″
Available to tantrikas who have taken the lifetime oath of the Dorje
Kasung and received the reading transmission.